Provide happier, healthier lives
for veterans living with trauma.
Ten years after serving in combat our founder returned to hope and happiness. Seeing many of his Marine Corps brothers continue that struggle, he vowed to grow an organization that could give them a chance to earn their happiness.
Personal trainers, positive psychologists, and military personnel collectively created the 23V Recon Playbook. A unique 14-week full-exposure and holistic approach to removing the negative effects of trauma. Based on self-reported data, this is one of the most effective programs developed for military and veterans who’ve experienced trauma.
100% of graduates have reported living a happier and higher quality of life. Many graduates have returned to the workforce, healthier family lives, and stronger contributors to their community.
Give U.S. veterans a future of hope,
opportunity, community, and inner peace.
Often voice something you are grateful for. Studies have proven that a focus on what we are grateful for leads to optimism and happiness. Talking about what we are grateful for is a simple lifestyle practice that allows us to enjoy all the moments in life. When exercising gratitude on a daily basis, those brain connections grow stronger allowing us to unwillingly find the positives in situations that used to draw only negatives.
Show others you care, especially those who need it most. Struggling veterans can be difficult work with. They are often frustrated with life and direct that anger to those trying to help. We remain compassionate to everyone, even in the face of cruelty. It’s only through your leadership by example that a frustrated veteran will learn 23rd Veteran is a place they are accepted, and place we welcome negative thoughts by truly listening to and understanding concerns with composure and compassion. Allowing that veteran to accept us is our only hope at giving them a life they want to live.
Be honest, even when it’s scary. Most military and veterans don’t trust people they didn’t serve with. Being less than authentic can permanently damage a veterans trust with our organization, preventing them from receiving the help we work so hard to provide. Here we welcome fears and failures and encourage you to share yours right along with sharing your successes.